I want to ask you a question that's at the heart of this website... Why is solar energy important to you?
But before you answer, let's take a look at solar energy's importance at three levels...
Once we've explored these areas, you'll be able to browse through our readers very individual reasons to why solar energy is important to them.
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There are many reasons why solar energy is important to humankind. It's importance to human survival goes back to prehistoric times.
Prehistoric cultures used the Sun's energy for crucial activities such as warming their dwellings, drying their clothing, and curing their food. Solar energy was so important for these cultures that many of them actually worshiped and revered the Sun.
As cultures developed, some even created laws related to accessing solar energy. For example, the ancient Roman empire had a law that forbid anyone from constructing a dwelling that blocked the Sun from their neighbor's home.
In the America's, the Anasazi cliff dwellers also considered solar energy an important resource. They built their dwellings along the south-facing side of cliffs in the current American Southwest in order to use the power of the Sun to warm their homes.
During modern times, we've become reliant on fossil fuels. This has allowed us to develop our cultures and economies tremendously, but has come at a steep price.
Due to the side-effects of using fossil fuels, the use of solar energy has become important to mankind once again. Some of the reasons solar energy is important are...
For a more thorough discussion about the importance of solar energy in the modern world, see Why Solar Energy?
Then there are reasons why solar energy is important to homeowners as well. Some of these reasons are...
For a more thorough discussion on the importance of solar energy to homeowners, see Why Use Solar Energy.
But at an individual level, everyone is motivated by different things. Some people are interested in solar energy for the environmental benefits, others see solar energy as a way to reduce their electricity costs, and yet others are looking to solar energy as a way to leave a positive legacy for their children.
So, I ask you the question...
Why is the use and continued development of solar energy important for YOU?
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going back to olderen days Not rated yet
solar energy helps us we as people we must use sun and water and wind to get eletricity to avoid air pollution and death
Solar Energy is Practical for Homeowners Not rated yet
I think that solar energy is a practical alternative energy source for homeowners, especially when compared to other options such as wind or geothermal. …
The Sun is the Source of All Our Energy Not rated yet
The reason solar energy is important to me is because it is the source of all the energy we have on earth. Fossil fuels such as oil and gas, as well …
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